
马可福音 10章31节中英文全文



English: They arrived in Jerusalem and went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day. There Jesus taught the people about the kingdom of heaven. Some people in the synagogue took what he had said in public and asked the Jews, “Is what Jesus did on the Sabbath in accordance with our law?” A priest who was reading from the Law during the Passover had come out and stood in front of the people reading it loudly. Then he asked them, “On the Sabbath day you must not do any work. Did you hear everything that Jesus said?” The people remained silent. Jesus said to them, “The Scriptures also say, ‘The Son of Man has given his disciples orders to proclaim the kingdom of heaven to all nations.’ ” The rest of the chapter did not mention Jesus’ response to the priest. After this, Jesus spoke no more openly about his mission, but went about more secretly. He told his disciples, “The time is short.” Then he began to travel around and teach in various places with his twelve disciples, but he still suffered misunderstanding, ridicule, and jealousy. Finally, after completing his mission and enduring suffering, he died. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into the arms of his Father in heaven. At that time, the Lord showed his glory to his church and blessed his followers with eternal life! The believers said to the Lord, “May your name live among us forever!” May God bless you and give you peace in all things! Please refer to the original text for more detailed explanations and meanings! I am not sure whether my explanation is accurate in terms of foreign language usage, so it is recommended to check and compare it with other resources.


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