
Obadian Book_Chapter 1

Obadiah received the revelation of the Lord. Regarding Edom, he said, I have heard a message from the Lord, and an angel has been sent to the nations, saying, Rise up, rise up together to fight against Edom.

I have made you the smallest among the nations to the east, greatly despised by the people.

O you who dwell in the caves of the mountains and dwell on high places, you deceive yourself with arrogance, saying in your heart, Who can pull me down to the ground?

Although you soar like a great eagle, building your nest among the stars, I will pull you down from there. This is what the Lord has said.

If thieves come to you, or robbers come at night, (how can you be cut off) will you not steal until you have enough? If grape pickers come to you, will they not leave some grapes behind?

How could Esau’s secret place be searched? How could his hidden treasure be discovered?

Those who form an alliance with you will send you on the road until the border. Those who reconcile with you deceive you and surpass you. Those who eat with you will set a trap for you. You have no intelligence in your heart.

On that day, will I not destroy the wise from Edom and the wise from Mount Esau.

O Teman, your warriors will be terrified, so much so that the people of Mount Esau will be slain and cut off.

Because of your violence against your brother Jacob, shame will cover you, and you will be cut off forever.

On the day when foreigners plundered Jacob’s wealth and entered his gates, casting lots for Jerusalem, you stood aside as one of them.

On the day when your brother is in trouble, do not stare, and on the day when the Jews are destroyed, do not rejoice in it. On the days of their suffering, you should not speak arrogantly.

On the day of our people’s calamity, do not enter their gates. On the days when they were in disaster, you shouldn’t stare at them suffering. On the day of their disaster, do not stretch out your hand to snatch their belongings.

You shouldn’t stand at the fork in the road and cut off the ones who escaped between them. On the day of their calamity, do not hand over the remaining of them to your enemies.

The day of the Lord’s punishment is approaching all nations. No matter what you do, he will do the same to you. Your retribution will surely fall on you.

Just as you Jews drank the bitter cup in my holy mountain, so all nations will continue to drink. Drink and swallow, and they will return to nothingness.

There will be survivors on Mount Zion, and that mountain will be sanctified. The Jacob family will receive their original inheritance.

The house of Jacob will become a great fire, the house of Joseph will be a flame of fire, the house of Esau will be like stubble, and the fire will devour it. There will be nothing left in the house of Esau. This is what the Lord has said.

The people of the south will have Mount Esau, the people of the high plateau will have the land of the Philistines, the land of Ephraim, and the land of Samaria, and the people of Benjamin will have Gilead.

All the Israelites who were abducted among the Canaanites will receive the land as far as Zarepha. The Jerusalem people who were captured in Sephalah will have the cities of the South.

A savior will come up to Mount Zion to judge Mount Esau, and the kingdom will belong to the Lord.

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