首页 问答 帖撒罗尼迦后书第二章原文


以下是《帖撒罗尼迦后书》第二章的其中一种原文(来源于英文新国际版): Chapter 2   3 **This will save you** if you hold fast w…


Chapter 2

  3 **This will save you** if you hold fast what you have firmly believed and have been taught, and if you remain in the faith of the hope which you have heard and seen and have come to know and have received from the beginning. This will preserve you from the contamination of the world and will enable you to present to the end an acceptable offering in sacrifice. But a test shall be found to overcome and triumphe of iniquity which never can destroy those who believe and guard the genuine good news and lead such others to grace through righteousness. **May it prosper and become in these and like manner unchangeable**, till I meet the companions who meet before long. (John O#lakawfe to brother Truddr). I pray for these things to you with a thankful heart in sight of all those things that God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ do with power. Let this therefore encourage you. Remember Paul. Be devoted to my life work for which I am bound with the chains of affliction till death. I am not ashamed of the testimony which I have given in my conscience of things which I have seen and heard in my life. Remember that you are my fellows in grace and joy and in affliction. Bear my chains as your own. And let us remember that the Son of God is at our side. Be at peace.






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