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以下是马可福音(Mark福音)的英文版本: THE GOSPEL OF MARK 1 In the beginning of the good news of Jesus Chri…



1 In the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, as it is written in the language of the Hebrews, the beginning of his public life and his work among us:

2 Mark, the disciple and companion of Peter, records as follows:

3 The Messiah Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod, king of Judea.

4 And after he had been born in Bethlehem of Judea, he went and lived in Egypt for a time.

5 When he was about thirty years old, he began his journey with John his uncle to James and to all the apostles who were in the high priest’s palace in Jerusalem.

6 And immediately he began to speak boldly in the synagogues of Judea, beginning from Galilee and Judea up to parts of Tyre and Sidon, about the great works of God.

7 And he sent forth these words to people everywhere by means of many voices. As well as from human lips to other creatures through the clouds and wind.

8 And so it was that the people were amazed at his teaching and were with one mind toward God’s faith and towards each other. They began to lay hands on those who possessed demons and to pray over them for their release from evil spirits. Many such cases were brought to Jesus, even from towns outside Judea and Tyre and Sidon, and from every region were people brought in such large numbers that he could not go about freely among them at any time for fear of the crowds.




以下是《圣经》中的腓立比书第3章的第1至第8节的中文内容: 第1节:弟兄姊妹们,关于福音福音的福音福音啊,有一把真实的剑...


《哥林多前书》第一章的原文如下: 保罗写给哥林多教会的信。奉耶稣基督的名,愿恩惠平安,赐给认识圣子和主耶稣基督的众弟兄姊...


腓立比书(The Epistle to the Philippians)是新约圣经中的一卷书籍,其内容主要是保罗对腓立比...


《约翰福音》第19章主要记载了耶稣在被捕受审的过程中发生的一些事情。以下是部分经文内容及其解释: 一开始,描述了耶稣的复...


加拉太书第三章讲章由寇绍恩所阐述的内容可能涉及多个方面,但由于我无法获取实时的讲章内容,因此无法为您提供具体的细节。 建...